@article{oai:nagano-nct.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001059, author = {轟, 直希 and 岩崎, 真哉 and 滝澤, 善史 and 柳澤, 吉保 and 西川, 嘉雄 and 高山, 純一}, journal = {長野工業高等専門学校紀要, Memoirs of Nagano National College of Technology}, month = {Jun}, note = {application/pdf, An activity to increase the excursion action of the pedestrian by maintaining the walking space to activate central city area in Nagano city is performed now.It is necessary to perform efficient and effective maintenance to maintain more extensive walk space from now on.This study develop a maintenance index of the walking space using the sight information of the pedestrian which acquired it by eye-tracking because the information from an organ of vision accounts for 83% in the perception information of the human.It is intended to maintain more efficient and effective walking space by this maintenance index.}, title = {焦点距離を考慮した視覚情報と街路評価に関する基礎的分析}, volume = {53}, year = {2019} }