@article{oai:nagano-nct.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000421, author = {小林, 義一 and 堀内, 富雄}, journal = {長野工業高等専門学校紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {application, SiC whisker reinforced Al-Mg-Si alloy composites produced by powder method were extruded at 600℃ by varying angle of dying, and extrudability and mechanical properties of extruded rods were examined. The following results were obtained. (1) Extrusion pressure was lower when the angle of dying was 75 degree. When SiC whisker contents increased, the extrusion pressure was higher. (2) The mechanical properties of the extruded rods were more improved with the increase in SiC whisker contents. (3) The extruded rod of this alloy showed cyclic fibrous structure, and the planes having high degree of texture were (100) [031].}, pages = {1--8}, title = {粉末冶金法によるSiCウイスカー強化アルミニウム合金複合材料の押出し性と機械的性質について}, volume = {27}, year = {1993} }