@article{oai:nagano-nct.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000423, author = {戸谷, 順信 and 中村, 育雄}, journal = {長野工業高等専門学校紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {application, Taylor vortex flow has sevral flow patterns (modes) in the same condition at small aspect ratio. The primary mode that is formed by increasing Reynolds number (Re) gradually from zero has a unique pattern with two normal cells having inward flow direction on the bottom end plate and the other cell's having outward flow direction in the upper position. And the secondary modes that are formed by increasing Re rapidly have sevral flow patterns with the normal cell or with an anomalous cell. An anomalous cell has outward flow direction on the bottom end plate. The number of the modes apperaring according to the various ways of increasing Re is countered. The entropy is calculated and clears the complication of the bifurcation of the modes. The processes of the formation of modes are illustrated and discussed. Finally comparison of the results with the symmetric and the asymmetric conditions is discussed.}, pages = {15--25}, title = {多重解テイラー渦におけるモードの形成条件(自由端の場合)}, volume = {27}, year = {1993} }