@article{oai:nagano-nct.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000514, author = {宮嵜, 晃臣}, journal = {長野工業高等専門学校紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {application, According to preliminary estimates, total external debt of the underdeveloped countries increased from $1,051 billion in 1985 to $1,320 billion in 1988. To add to this, in low-income countries, especialy sub-Sahara Africa, their "absolute poverty" is getting serious. This article is intended to make clear the accumulated debt problem and make sure what is the cause of "absolute poverty", to which our considerations give a top priority. As to the former, from the Baker Initiative in 1985 to the Blaidy Initiative in 1989, various debt strategies of developed countries have made a contribution only to private banks to reduce their exposure to the underdeveloped countries. Turning to the latter, the rapidest penetration of market economy into the underdeveloped countries has brought about the "absolute poverty", destloying their "subsistance economy" and as this causes we shall point out firstly development policies of the underdeveloped countries, secondly what you call "green revolution", lastly assistance from developed countries, particulaly U.S..}, pages = {181--205}, title = {南北問題の帰趨}, volume = {20}, year = {1989} }